Github's awesome stl view
So first some great news. Today I’ve received a Reprap pro Ormerod 2 3d printer kit! This will be my first 3D printer, and I will be assembling it over the coming few days or weeks. It is not something I will rush! As for the CNC, until I sort out a better dust control system for milling foam and MDF it is currently not doing a lot.
While following the assembly instructions for this kit, at the earliest part, it has a click through to the STL file in github. STL files are a common format for 3d printing, and are also used for CNC milling. What I did not know is that github has a built in STL viewer! This is absolutely awesome. Github continues to surprise and delight me. Perhaps I should (if I ever have time) try to contribute a Lego LDraw viewer to github.
What is also awesome is that with not a lot of code, this STL preview can be embedded right into a page. That includes a github hosted jekyll page as shown below.