At Orionrobots, Danny and his team build robots, electronics, gadgets and stuff that moves. We aim to make robots easy for anyone to build, and push the boundaries of what is easy. Oh and just to have lots of fun doing it too!

Learn to build and Program Robots using Robotics at Home with Raspberry Pi Pico

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You can see my latest videos on Orionrobots Youtube.

You can reach me on Facebook, Discord and LinkedIn as #orionrobots on all platforms.

Recent Posts

  • What is the process I use to make drawings, photos and figures?
    When I’m writing books, articles and blog posts, I often need to create figures, drawings and photos. Here is the process I use to make them. more…
  • Using 3D print sample filament
    I have a collection of sample filament. It’s a little vintage, iht some being from Faberdashery, one of the multi colour and transparent sample filament packs. These are great fun, allowing you to try many colours. more…
  • I have a complex relationship with ROS, the Robotic Operating System. But let’s start by looking at what it is. For this articles purposes, ROS and ROS 2 are considered as versions of the same basic idea. more…
  • Raspberry Pi Camera Compatibility RpiCam
    I started with what seemed like a simple question: “What Raspberry Pi models and cameras are compatible with each other?” given the context of using the current libcamera/rpicam stack. I found that there was no straight answer on the internet. I went to ask the internet, and nobody came back with a simple answer. So I decided to do some research and write this article to answer this question. more…
  • A retrospective on PiWars 2024 - Disaster Zone
    On Sunday, the team got together to discuss and consider how we did in PiWars 2024. The overall view was positive, but we looked at what we can learn and improve upon. more…
  • I was asked how I know what all the wires are when I’m working on, or are looking at an old robot. more…


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