Building a 4tronix UnoTron Robot
The 4tronix Unotron robot is an unusual but fun design for a robot chassis. It uses a DC motor for one wheel at the back, and has two front wheels mounted on a servo plate - which is turned to provide steering.
The robot was a kit I bought some time ago - from ebay some time in 2013. I have a collection of various robot things to assemble and build - and this one I let my son Jonathan build with me. In this he gets handy with a screwdriver, and also finds yet more laser-cut backing to remove.
The kit is normally used with an Arduino Uno and a motor shield. However, I went a bit different and used an Elechouse 15a Motor Driver board (no longer available).
This board mounts an Arduino Nano, it has 2 DC motor control channels with a 16Amp current per channel, an I2C breakout. All the Arduino IC pins are broken out as GVS - Ground, Volt, Signal - an arrangement very handy for Servo motors and some sensor types. It has screw terminal inputs for the battery voltage.
Jon’s main understanding is that he was building a robot, which he finds fun.
See the build below.