by Danny Staple

On Tuesday the 17th January 2019, I gave a talk at Richmond New Technology on Creative Technology with Hobby Robotics where I made clear that robotics is about three main ideas:

  • Making things in your own way, in your own time.
  • Doing it because you want to (even if there are some hard bits to get through first).
  • Getting just outside your comfort zone.

Frame from my talk at richmond new tech

Many people at the talk had questions, and wanted further information about what I do.

Some resources, and contact information about myself, and the coder dojo’s (which many people seemed interested in).

First the book: Learn Robotics Programming, by Danny Staple -

I am most reachable on Twitter: Tweet to me, or direct message me with questions. I have a good technical following, by tweeting, I can retweet and get answers from a wider robotics/creative technology community. It would be great to keep some of the questions coming via twitter.

My youtube channel: is my website and blog. It doesn’t get anywhere near a much attention as Twitter and Youtube.

The coder dojos

I mentor at the Coder Dojo Ham (now held in Kingston University) The Richmond Coder Dojo: