This solderless easy to construct and modify robot kit is all you need to build and program a wall avoider, follower and other ideas. It comes with two ultrasonic based distance sensors so your robot can “see” its environment a little.
It comes with a breadboard (pictured is for illustrative purposes only) so you can attach the sensors, and easily experiment with many sensors and other electronics with the robot. Additional cables are included to make it easy to attach the sensors.
The kit included the standard Explorer 1 Robot platform, with four wheel drive motors, wheels, Arduino (Uno R3 or Leonardo) compatible microcontroller, motor board and batteries. The whole assembly requires no soldering, cutting or drilling - only a screwdriver, computer and batteries are needed. It’s designed to be extended and tinkered with - to Explore electronics and robotics.
Example code for wall avoiding is on Github at https://github.com/dannystaple/OrionExplorerOneBasic/tree/master/_2SensorRobot.
Supported computers are Windows, Linux and OSX running the Arduino IDE.