
  • Me and MeArm in The MagPi
    I have contributed to a feature published this month in The Magpi - the Raspberry Pi Magazine. In it I show how to use a Raspberry Pi Pico with a MeArm robot arm, and use Micropython to program a web controlled robot with step record and playback capabilitiesmore...
  • This weekend my robotics student and I set up a pair of MeArms to play pass-the-parcel. This was lots of fun and took a few tries to get right.more...
  • We’ve been playing recently with a MeArm Maker robot arm. Our current experiments include a Wifi enabled Raspberry Pi Pico-W version, and using a web server running on the PicoW to record arm positions, then smoothly interpolate while playing them back to create smooth motion.more...
  • Building the Armmore...