
  • How to add line following to a robot with Raspberry Pi Pico and Python
    Line following robots are a great example of autonomous robot behaviour. In this article, I will show you step-by-step how to add a line sensor to a Raspberry Pi Pico robot, how to wire it in, and then how to write Python code for responsive line following on the robot. I include CircuitPython and MicroPython examples.more...
  • Making a robotic foam dart turret with sound effects
    Today I took the Foam Dart turret I made for my 2020 Piwars robot “Bangers and Bash”, which had some problems around power handling, and having attached it to a Pimoroni Yukon, got it to make sound effects before firing a spread of 5 foam darts. Not sure it is perfect for mowing down Piwars targets in a challenge as the spread is not so much aimed but uniform.more...
  • Me and MeArm in The MagPi
    I have contributed to a feature published this month in The Magpi - the Raspberry Pi Magazine. In it I show how to use a Raspberry Pi Pico with a MeArm robot arm, and use Micropython to program a web controlled robot with step record and playback capabilitiesmore...
  • These last few months, I’ve been working on things related to an upcoming Raspberry Pi Pico robotics book. The current few weeks have been relating to using an add on Wifi solution.more...