
  • The arrival of Lego Mindstorms kicked off a wave of Lego innovation, but not all of that used official Lego Mindstorms kits. Some creations were just motors strapped onto curious contraptions, the most interesting being the Rube Goldberg devices, kinetic sculptures, rolling ball machines and similar.more...
  • Just a quick note to let users now that Steve Hassenplug has uploaded a set of videos of a Great Ball Contraption running.more...
  • Along with much of the Lego Robotics community, I’ve taken note of the crazy efforts last year which resulted in the Great Ball Contraption (GBC), where participants build modules to accept balls (Lego footballs/basketballs) at one receptacle, and deposit them at the other on a standard footprint. The fun part is that what they do in the middle is up to them.more...
  • I have decided to post a number of Lego MOCs to my blog, so readers can see what I sometimes get up to.more...