Sumpthing was a monstrosity of a Robot Wars competitor which was built almost entirely out of scavenged automobile scrap. It has come from the darkest depths of Team Tetanus and The Lo-Tek Alliance.
It threw out many ideas of complex and highly technical robots for a very simple, yet functional bot with great features and an uncanny robustness.
One neat idea is the modular components system. At Orion Robots, we like modular. Hence why Lego is so popular. It allows Team Tetanus and Mr Dig to quickly change a weapon system for one more suitable to their next opponent, or swap out a damaged part for another - saving time in the pit. The fact that this is also a Salvaged robot only makes us like it more…
They don’t like boxes and enclosures much - which makes for a much more interesting robot, and with the correct design principle - the exposed innards are robust enough without them.
It was built for less than £300, by Mr Dig(left), and Geoff Germaney.
Sumpthing in the papers, with Mr Dig, and Geoff Germaney