10 Sep 2024 » Orion Explorer 1 Bluetooth RC Robot KitThe solderless easy to construct and modify Orion Explorer robot 1 kit is a good start for any robotics project or fun. However - pair it with a bluetooth module and it becomes a robot you can drive from your phone or tablet!more...
Get your robot moving. This DC motor controller/driver board, is a fully mounted L298n dual H-Bridge ( a common chip for this purpose) with all the support components, screw terminals for motor/power connections and simple male PCB pins for connections to digital controllers like the Arduino.more...
22 Oct 2023 » Making a shim for the Pimoroni Explorer Hat ProMy student arrived with a few things to fix up. At the last session, we had been trying to get the Adafruit Cricket to work, but had experienced an issue with i2c communication errors throughout. I will take a closer look, but so my student can continue, we swapped that out for a Pimoroni Explorer Hat Pro.more...
A common chore I find myself doing (and I imagine anyone who has built a few robots) is adapting code they’ve written to many different motor driver or main breakout boards.more...